Monday, January 31, 2011

Two Feet of Snow

Thanks to my friend Kim who sent me this photo of "two feet of snow." Victoria of Bumble Beans says it was made in New York City last year. And we're expecting more snow tomorrow! Where are we going to put it all?


  1. :oD
    Perfect for a Monday morning post. You started my day off with a giggle.

  2. Bwahahahaahahahahahaahahahaa! I love it! Thanks for the MOnday morning chuckle. my first big laugh of the week!

  3. Love the two feet of snow!

    I've been reading about "snow farms" which is the empty lots in cities where the municipal authorities truck snow that would otherwise block streets or sidewalks. In my town the snow farms are the far back parking lots of the mall with snow mountains 10 feet tall in some places.

  4. Cute!! We are expecting another 6-12 on Wednesday...I'm ready for spring. Hope you are staying warm!

  5. haha, that was taken here in NYC a year ago... We saw it... pretty funny...

  6. That was a hoot! Good way to start the day especially because we are expecting more bad weather!

  7. That is so funny!!! Clever snow sculptors.

  8. That is a whole lot funnier than me trying to walk through our two feet of snow to fill the darn bird feeder.....what a workout!
    Our plows are just going around today taking the top off the piles of snow so they will have some place to put the next storms dumpings.
    What a hoot to be walking along and see those feet on a city street :0).

    Happy Sewing

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Aha! So that's what it means when the weatherman says they had two feet of snow back east! So funny! Love it!

  11. that's a funny post, although i truthfully don't feel like laughing about the snow and ice this winter-- and now there's snow forecast for tmrw (in ct) and then ice storm on wed-- it's unbelievable!! It means less time for me to quilt since the kids and I will be stuck home!!! But I can live vicariously thru quilters like u until my young ones are both in school-- and then I'll miss them and regret it, etc...
    Looking forward to seeing your progress on that squar/border/????

  12. Holy cow! Those are bigger than a car!!!!!!! LOL I honestly can not say I have seen that much snow before! I live in Indiana and we do get lots but geesh that is a ton! Thanks for sharing!
