Lynne in New Hampshire sent three photos of her selvage stash. Above, see her stash as it looked in February. So neat and tidy.
Below, in the March photo, you can see she's stocking up for a project. Super-Critical Mass!
Then Lynne made two pretty tote bags that you saw on this blog. She says she was eager to clean up after those projects, so she just stuffed her selvages back in the box (April photo, below).
While that's true, according to the physics of selvage quilting her stash will never return to the neat state shown above, and she will never have a smaller selvage stash, no matter how many projects she does. Our knowledge of selvage physics is still in it's infancy, but these surprising principles are being verified every day. Does your experience agree with this?
Thanks, Lynne for your contribution to art and science.