For extreme scrap quilters. See Etsy.com/Shop/KarenGriskaQuilts - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
She's a Violinist and a Quilter!

Monday, August 30, 2010
Michelle's Clothesline Quilt

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Have You Visited Nifty Quilts?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Yulia's Braids

Friday, August 27, 2010
Inspiration from Nostalgic Cafe!

Thursday, August 26, 2010
Selvage Quilt for a Bear!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunrise on Golden Pond
As the sun got higher in the sky, the colors changed (below). Isn't this beautiful? I love it here.
After this excursion, I went back to bed for a few hours! Then Eileen and I went to Keepsake Quilting, 10 minutes away from her house in the town of Center Harbor, NH. Of course we found some fabrics that we needed. I got some pea green Kaffe ikat fabric that I'm sure will come in handy. That night we had the "dump dinner" (see yesterday's post). What a perfect day!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Dump Dinner!
Eileen boiled several big pots of shrimp, sausage, kielbasa, white potatoes, purple potatoes(!), pearl onions, and corn on the cob. She poured off the water after it was cooked, and then "dumped" it on the center of the table. Her husband Campbell (in the white hat) served each of us a little dab of coctail sauce (ketchup and horseradish), butter, and mustard. Then we ate the delicious dinner with our hands! The funny thing was that eating like this without a plate, I didn't really know exactly how much I ate. Twelve of us didn't finish all this. We had covered the table with a plastic tablecloth, then newspapers, and finally aluminum foil, so the clean up phase took just a minute. Everyone volunteered to wash the dishes. Eileen made blueberry pie for dessert, and fortunately we got plates and forks for that!
After dinner we all played a game called "Apples to Apples" and we laughed so much that our faces hurt. It was dark for a long time by the time we left the table. Then I sat outside under the stars and enjoyed the sound of the crickets. I love evenings like this.
In case you're curious, in the bottom photo you can see our other sister Lynne in the pink shirt on the left. Next to her is her son Oliver, then our brother Bruce's wife Jennifer, Sam in the "Halftime" tee-shirt (he's one of Eileen and Campbell's two sons), Michelle (Bruce and Jennifer's niece), Amelia (Lynne's daughter) is standing, and Campbell is on the far right. Our mom, Mary, is standing in the photo at the top. Not shown: Bruce, my husband Jason and me. I was taking the photos.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Eileen's Optical Illusion Selvage Top
I'll feature photos of both quilts in October when they're both finished. Okay?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Handknitted Christmas Stockings

It's not too early to start thinking about making stuff like this. Well, maybe it is a little early. :)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Poster Supplies Quilt Inspiration
I saw this poster by James Rizzi in a store window in New York City recently. I asked the store owner if I could take a photo so I could make a quilt like it. He looked like he'd never heard that request before! But he said okay. There's something kind of Anna Williams-ish about this. What do you think?
Thanks, Ellen, for telling me the name of the poster artist.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Awesome Little Selvage Quilt!

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Molly is Famous!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Happy Blogiversary to Nickels!

There is a Translate button at the top of her blog, so you can read her posts in English or Chinese or whatever you want. She has lots of quilts, crochet and other things to inspire us. Keep up all the good work, Nicole.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Dainty Squid Update and the Future of Colored Hair

I think someday exotic hair colors will be very common. Then old photos of people with unaltered brown and blond hair will look very old fashioned.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Modern Log Cabin and Stone House

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Silk Scarves by Hermes
Take a look at these gorgeous silk twill scarves by Hermes of Paris! (www.hermes.com) I think this ad is so beautiful. Is it the fabrics or the idea of taking a nap on a big pile of pillows by the water that appeals to me? Lol. I could buy a lot of quilting fabric for the price of one scarf: $350!
I used to have long hair like that in the late 60's and early 70's. Did you?
Photo by Publicis EtNous.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Awesome Spider Web Quilt
Friday, August 13, 2010
Selvage Quilt from Houston
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Selvage Stash at Loft Creations

Mine hasn't looked this neat since about 2003. And it never will again, either. They're all jammed into 3 big boxes. And that's after making 20 selvage quilts! Where do they all come from?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Danity Squid Blog!

By the way, there are over 1,500 followers of the Dainty Squid blog. Are you curious? :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Edda's Selvage Quilt

Edda works part time at the Bernina Sewing Center and Quilt Shop in Kalamazoo, MI. Owner Karen Kortman is a long arm quilter. Edda made this quilt as a store sample to entice people to buy "Quilts from the Selvage Edge." Now there's an idea! :)
Monday, August 9, 2010
Selvage Bag to Carry Water Bottle

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Trip Down Memory Lane - Green Elna

I found this photo on Gertie's blog: http://www.blogforbettersewing.com/. By the way, despite the advertisement copy, I think it is a machine. Lol.
Hello to Mom, Lynne, Amelia and Oliver today!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sewing Tattoo??

P.S. My sister Lynne says this is a temporary tattoo. She enlarged the photo and looked at the edges; also the tat is shiny on her left collar bone.
P.P.S. FlossieBlossoms says she thinks this is a real tattoo. She saw progress shots on the Dainty Squid blog. Thanks, Floss.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Crochet Sculpture

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Brenda's Selvage Placemats
Look at the bindings, more selvages. I like the layout of the closest placemat best. These are so pretty. Visit Brenda's blog at: http://www.scrapsandstrings.blogspot.com/. She's awesome.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Selvage Winners Announced
Here are the two winners, chosen at random, who will receive a package of interesting selvages. Congratulations! I really wish I could send a nice package to all of you.
- Michelle from East Texas, www.betwixtthebetweens.com.
This stunning photo was taken by Liz Nemmers and posted on flickr. She and I are members of the Fabulous Flowers Group.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Another Give-Away! from Above All Fabric

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