For extreme scrap quilters. See Etsy.com/Shop/KarenGriskaQuilts - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Elena's Selvage Purse

Friday, February 27, 2009
My Neighborhood
This is what it looks like a block from my apartment in White Plains, New York. This beautiful church plays music every Wednesday at noon. The tall buildings reflect the clouds and add a special sparkle to the city. We've never lived in a city before, but I like it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meet Mary Frances Wood of Virginia
Mary Frances Wood of VA makes these charming blocks that include selvages when she is between quilting projects. She makes them without foundation fabric. She just sews the selvages together then trims the block to the size she wants. Mary Frances says that this carefree sewing is very relaxing. Her happy heart shows through in her work, doesn't it?
Take a look at the block with the triangle above. The center has a 3-D optical illusion that I really like.
Her selvage quilting style differs from that of Gail Mitchell (the maker of the "Cat Mat" featured in the sidebar). Mary Frances features the printed part of the fabric, just adding selvages like the spice in a stew. Gail Mitchell, on the other hand, features the white stripe with the writing and uses hardly any colored printed part of the fabric at all. I love the results of both methods!
Take a look at the block with the triangle above. The center has a 3-D optical illusion that I really like.
Her selvage quilting style differs from that of Gail Mitchell (the maker of the "Cat Mat" featured in the sidebar). Mary Frances features the printed part of the fabric, just adding selvages like the spice in a stew. Gail Mitchell, on the other hand, features the white stripe with the writing and uses hardly any colored printed part of the fabric at all. I love the results of both methods!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Linda Joins the Selvage Revolution!
Linda made her first selvage project: zippered selvage pouches, and she's liking it. She says she has joined the selvage revolution! I love her combination of black and pink fabrics. Her selvages are wide enough to show off some pretty roses. Nice job!
Check out Linda's blog: http://twosucculentsisters.blogspot.com/. She says "succulent" refers to living richly and reveling in ordinary and extraordinary moments. Sounds good, like someone who would sit in the onion chair, no doubt.
Check out Linda's blog: http://twosucculentsisters.blogspot.com/. She says "succulent" refers to living richly and reveling in ordinary and extraordinary moments. Sounds good, like someone who would sit in the onion chair, no doubt.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Karen Schiltz's Zippered Selvage Pouches
Karen Schiltz is a very talented longarm quilter in Erlanger, Kentucky. She just made these charming selvage pouches, and she's preparing to teach a class on making selvage quilts. Her strategy to build her selvage stash is to tell customers that she'll trim the selvages from their backings as a convenience for them! (heh, heh, heh ;)
Monday, February 23, 2009
New Selvage Quilter: Kay Rindall
Kay Rindall of St. Paul, MN is well into her first selvage project. I love the faces on the selvage in the bottom photo; it's from the St. Jude's Hospital fabric line. I really like these blocks. The sashing in the blocks is nice and narrow, like the selvages.
I wonder how Kay will use these blocks in a quilt. Maybe she'll use a black and white striped sashing, or a selvage sashing, or maybe she'll set them on point! We'll see. Nice job, Kay!
About selvages, Kay says, "I already buy enough yardage to be sure I get the part of the selvage I want -- and when buying a FQ, I always open it to make sure it's from the printed selvage side. But I dread the day I find myself buying the fabric strictly because of the selvage!!"
If that happens, we're here for you, Kay. :)
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Yikes! 248 Quilt Blogs in One Place?

If you have a blog, you can ask them to add yours to their list, too. (By the way, they are in the beautiful city of Idaho Falls.)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
World's Most Beautiful Selvage (Chair)?

Isn't this beautiful? I'm thinking about covering an upholstered chair with selvages. I know it's nuts, but wouldn't that be so cool? Tell me what you think. I would cover some foundation pieces, then have an upholsterer cover the chair with them.
Elena McDowell sent me this selvage photo. Do you think she would send me this selvage to put front and center on my chair? I haven't asked her; do you think I should? We have to establish some accepted ethics in this new frontier of qilting. :)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Twig Purse from Zebula Design

This is from Natalie of http://www.zebuladesign.com/ a quirky arts and crafts site. She sells her creations on Etsy. Yayy, Natalie. You get today's Onion Chair Award.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quilters Knot in Topeka, KS - Selvage Socks
All the members of Quilters Knot in Topeka, Kansas have a pair of these selvage socks! Member Susan White tells about her group:
"As a group of 5 women, we have group embroidered t-shirts, group selvage-trimmed anklets, group embroidered dinner napkins with creative 'sewing' napkin rings, plus a traveling embroidered pet-screen bag that goes to the next host's home--complete with dinner napkins, and 'spool and quilt block' lights to decorate and inspire! Our kids roll their eyes at our silliness, but we have fun, share ideas, eat good food, and work on group projects--not to mention the loads of emotional support that comes with spending time with friends."Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Moda's Selvage Scrapbags - Check First
I've been hearing that not all Moda scrapbags contain selvages. If you are hoping to get selvages, be sure to check inside the bag first. If you order online, just ask the seller to make sure that your bag contains selvages. Pretty cool way to jumpstart your selvage stash:)
See Moda: http://www.unitednotions.com/moda-ss_scrapbags_1008.pdf to buy directly.
See Moda: http://www.unitednotions.com/moda-ss_scrapbags_1008.pdf to buy directly.
Selvage CD Case from Rome, Italy

Nice job, Silvana!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Selvage Snail Trail Quilt

Visit Ann Marie's blog: http://www.runandsewuilts.wordpress.com.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Zippered Selvage ipod Case
"The bag is 7" x 10" and it is mainly for carrying around my iPod. This little bag is nifty. I can put the iPod in the front pocket, and my wallet and keys in the big pocket. It fits across my body, and the strap is long enough so I don't have to take it off if I have to go to the bathroom, for example. It's also light enough to wear under a coat. It's excellent for traveling, in that it's small enough to fit in a larger bag, and it protects my iPod. I can even turn it on and off without taking it out of the bag, so that's nice too."
Lynne blogged about it here: http://patcherymenagerie.blogspot.com/2009/02/selvage-bag.html. She took some photos during the process of making it that are very good. Nice job, Lynne!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Spring is on the way!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Elena's Heart Quilt
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Meet Susan White of Kansas!
Can you believe it, the whole group has selvage-trimmed socks! They have so much fun when they get together it makes their kids roll their eyes. Perfect. Did you know they were having all this fun in Kansas? I'm thinking of moving there!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Selvage "Tea Wallet" from Loft Creations

If you are a quilter who loves tea and teapots etc, and that's me!, be sure to visit her blog (see above for link). Stephanie sells her cool tea items on Etsy, too.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Jodie Carleton's Selvage Parasol!

She has written a hilarious post about the siren call of selvages, even when we have other pressing items on our "to-do" list. Boy, do I know exactly what she is talking about! Take a look at this post: http://vintagericrac.blogspot.com/2008/11/with-inner-fortitude-of-marshmallow.html
You'll be surprised to read what she thinks about this parasol project. See: http://vintagericrac.blogspot.com/2008/11/tweaking-hell.html
Monday, February 9, 2009
Wowzers! 62 visitors answered the sidebar question in 1 day!
In case you're wondering, 350-450 visitors check out this blog each day (not including search engines or returning visitors). Visitors come from (in descending order like the ingredients in your cereal): USA, Italy, UK, Germany, Australia, Canada, Russia, and more.
To get free stats about your website or blog, visit: www.statcounter.com. They give you some html text to copy and paste into your Gadgets. They walk you through it and it's really easy.
To get free stats about your website or blog, visit: www.statcounter.com. They give you some html text to copy and paste into your Gadgets. They walk you through it and it's really easy.
Gail Mitchell's Cat Mat

Every selvage quilter has her own signature style, made up of her choices of selvages, how wide she makes each strip, and how much of the printed fabric she reveals. Gail's style is awesome; using practically no printed part of the fabric, those color windows really stand out! I love it. Her kitten loves it too.
Visit Gail's blog at: http://www.quilt-knit-run-sew.blogspot.com/.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Brenda's Basket - New Method
We hope you're staying warm up there in Manitoba, Brenda!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Delicious Blast of Color!

My favorite part is where she combined hot pink, red, and cheddar gold in one "block," and then put it between the electric blues and the pale pastels. She must have a massive yarn stash. Or, she did have one, at least.
Sarah London's new blog address is: www.sarahlondon.typepad.com.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Anett's Selvage Daybook Cover
You can see more of Anett's creations on her blog: http://allerleiausstoff.blogspot.com/
Thank you to Martina for suggesting that Anett send us this great photo. And a special "Hello!" to our many visitors from Germany.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Wanted: Your Selvages in Exchange for Fabric
For more information see Sonya's post on: www.sagoontuesdays.blogspot.com.
I'm looking forward to seeing what she makes with this batch of selvages!
I loved her panels:http://selvageblog.blogspot.com/2009/01/sonyas-selvage-wall-panels.html.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Want to be a Quilt Pattern Designer?
Take a look at Quilt News. Use the link below, then click on "For Designers." Marguertia McManus gives solid advice about marketing, how to write a press release, she provides a distributors list, and info about websites and blogging. Her goal is to help quilters who want to make a business with their quilting. Good stuff. I found her site today when she recommended "Quilts from the Selvage Edge."
Visist: http://www.quiltnews.loosefibers.com/
Visist: http://www.quiltnews.loosefibers.com/
June Calender Made 50 Selvage Cards
Before she goes on her trip, she will seriously clean her living quarters so it's "ship-shape" when she returns. What an interesting concept. Visit her blog at: www.calenderpages.blogspot.com.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Meet Artist Jill Buckley of Canada

Doesn't Jill sound like Martina (in ysterday's post)? I don't think the vest or the blouse were "boring" to begin with, but I do like what they did with their selvages.
Jill is a retired designer/dressmaker so she has extensive skills for projects like this. Her vest is much fancier than the ones I make! Check out her blog at: http://www.thequiltrat.blogspot.com/.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Martina Odenthal: a Selvage Art Blouse
Oh, Martina, I think you have started someting here! I'm already evaluating my blouses for a little upgrading. Thank you for this great idea.
Check out Martina's blog at: www.stufenzumgericht.blogspot.com.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Charming Selvage Creation from France
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