These would give me such a headache! But I thought you should see it. For more photos, visit:
For extreme scrap quilters. See Etsy.com/Shop/KarenGriskaQuilts - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
I was driving in Connecticut recently and was amazed to see this asymmetrical car. It's a Nissan Cube. I whipped out my handy camera and took this photo through the windshield to show you. I think I like it; it looks kind of European. Someone was thinking "out of the box."
Have a creative day!
Kathy Wilcox of Burnet, Texas has created this nice big tote bag! I'd call that Texas-size for sure. Here's what she had to say about it:
"Tomorrow I go to the Houston International Quilt Festival for 3 wonderful days of looking and shopping, so I made a big selvage tote bag to carry every day (20" wide x 18" long x 6" bottom). I stitched the selvages to muslin and then fused the muslin to fusible fleece to give the bag some body and then quilted it all. Lining is the black polka dot fabric like the straps. It should be a conversation starter in Houston."
Kathy, tell us how the show went. Was the tote big enough? ;)
This is Kathy's second project, she's finished her blue zinger top and is ready to quilt it! Stay tuned!
Hugs to you. And these flowers too. Have a great day.
Diane Rode Schneck of NYC made this cheerful selvage version of a USA flag. I like how the color windows suggest stars. I also like how she used fringed selvages to add a shabby chic flair.
Diane is a talented quilter, quilt teacher and much more. See her website "The Virtual Quilt Diner" at: http://www.geocities.com/quiltdiner/