For extreme scrap quilters. See Etsy.com/Shop/KarenGriskaQuilts - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
The three blocks above represent the quilt top.
The quilt shown in the first photo was machine quilted with parallel horizontal wavy lines. That is my "specialty." I just try to keep it simple so I don't ruin my quilt tops! I'm sure you'll blow me away with awesome quilting on your quilts. I can't wait to see them and put the photos in an up-coming Exhibit at http://www.onlinequiltmuseum.com/.
Please email your photos to karen@onlinequiltmuseum.com by Sept 1. Thanks! (Include your name the way you want it listed, where you're from, and the name of your quilt.)
So, did you think this quilt was easy? Was it fun? Is it on your "To Make" list?