For extreme scrap quilters. See - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Selvage Cover for a Kindle
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pinky's Looking for Adventure - Giveaway Today
So leave a comment for the random drawing. I hope you're having a good week closing out the old year.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
AQS Quilt Art 2011 Engagement Calendar Giveaway!

Leave a comment to enter the random drawing. Tell us the first thing you're going to sew in the new year. I'll go first. I'm going to make a string quilt in the spirit of Bumblebean's blog about 15 Minutes Play. I can't wait to get started!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas in New Zealand

Monday, December 27, 2010
The Weather Outside is Frightful
The photo below was taken from inside the dining room looking into the porch.
The quilt room below is starting to take shape. I'll have more photos soon. I like the Statue of Liberty next to the bolts of backing fabrics. Knitting needles are stored in vases on top of the other bookcase. The wire bird cage thingy is from Pier One Imports.
While I'm getting unpacked I thought I'd show you around. I'll get back to selvage stuff before long. If you're in a snowy place, I hope you are warm and safe. If you're on a sunny beach somewhere, send us a picture!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I'm Leaving Candy-Making to the Experts
The "No-Bake Chewies" below were really disappointing. The ingredients looked yummy: dates, raisins, walnuts, granola, and dried cranberries. I heated the mixture of buter, honey, Karo syrup, and I forgot what else, but when mixed with the first items, they didn't "stick." So I just spread it out on a cookie sheet. My DH said it was good ice cream topping. I'm not so sure. Confectioner's sugar is sprinkled on top. If they had been a success, I would have come up with a better name. Why name them for a process that isn't used in the making?
These chocolate "Haystacks" were pretty good. All you do is melt semi-sweet chocolate chips in a double boiler, then mix in some chow mein noodles and drop in little haystacks. Well, okay, I admit that I was looking at the kids section of my cookbook by this time. Haha.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!

My DH and I are planning to attend church on Christmas Eve, then spend the day at home visiting with our two grown sons. We may sit by the fire, open presents, play games, listen to Christmas music, and eat some goodies together. I'm going to try making chocolate candies for the first time. How hard can it be? Haha. I'll let you know how they turn out.
Hugs to you, my blogland friends.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Readers' Sentimental Ornaments

Thursday, December 23, 2010
Veronica's Selvage Christmas Card/Ornament

You've seen her selvage spider web quilt and selvage bag here before. She has some tutorials for making bags on her blog: Las Cosas de Vero. Feliz Navidad, Veronica!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
More of my favorite ornaments.
This harp has gold thread, and hand-painting on the bottom. Kinda elegant.
Speaking of elegant, I really love this one. We can't remember where we got it! If it was a gift, I hope they don't read this blog. The little metal angel-shaped tag on top says WC.
This is a favorite too, a big purple pansy. It has big green leaves on the back.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Here are some of my favorite Christmas ornaments.
My DH and I bought this ornament in a department store when we lived in Tennessee. Each year everyone in the family would choose an ornament. The guys chose cars and hiking boots and boats. I always chose fruit or flowers or something wildly colorful.
This ornament is from the gift shop at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts. I think it was made in South America. I have several. Isn't it pretty?
I think this angel is so graceful, and I like how the white shape stands out against the green tree.
Okay, now let's see your favorite ornaments. Email a photo to me at
Monday, December 20, 2010
Welcome to my new home!
We had just about everything we needed for the dinner, except I couldn't find the serving spoons, so we used long handled iced tea spoons instead. My sisters shared one water glass and one wine glass between them. Haha. We had such a good time. I'm still feeling a glow from the wonderful family day. Everyone happy and healthy at the same time.
This is the entrance foyer. A neighbor brought us a pointsettia. The "streaks" of light on the wall are created by the light fixture. More photos to come. Thanks for visiting. :)
Oops, little mistake. If you're looking for the post about ornaments, it'll be here tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
We Moved!

I'll show you some photos soon. The quilt studio is shaping up. I can't wait to spend some quality time in there. Our Internet connection isn't working so I'm visiting our local Internet cafe to say hi to you. As you can imagine, I'm way behind in my emails. But I'll catch up and be blogging again soon.
I hope you are enjoying some peaceful and joyful moments. Hugs to you.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Selvage Checkbook Cover Tutorial
Friday, December 10, 2010
Selvage Postcards with Rick Rack

Thursday, December 9, 2010
Quality Time on the Computer
It would be kinda fun to build your speed and accuracy with a computer though. So much for the zenlike qualities of knitting.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Stunning Selvage Quilt from Texas

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Quilt from New South Wales

Monday, December 6, 2010
Book Giveaway - Kool Kaleidoscope Quilts
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Improvisational Christmas Quilt
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Selvage Christmas Trees from NZ