Adding some bright prints to the solid scraps from recent projects, I made this top that really appeals to me. I loved making this, no "over-thinking," it just flowed and delighted me each step of the way. It will have a green print binding (like the outermost border). I particularly like it that some areas are high contrast and some are low contrast.

The photo above shows a close-up of the center. The printed fabric borders add a little peace to the scene, preventing the pieced borders from jumbling together. Although I do love the Anna Williams style, and the joyously busy intuition quilt that
Sujata is making right now.

It's interesting to see this quilt in black and white, and sepia. When we used to live near New York City, there was ambient light in our apartment at night (even though we lived on the 18th floor!) and I used to take a look at my quilts on the design wall during the night. Checking on them like babies, haha. In the low light, I couldn't really see the colors, just the values. With this insight, I'd usually make a few adjustments before going back to sleep, then having sweet quilty dreams.
That's a fantastic quilt. I love it!
I know you think what I am about to says to crazy but this quilt reminds me of a fish tank!
I absolutely love it!!!!!
A very beautiful quilt...I especially love the center!
This quilt is incredible. I think you've made another masterpiece, really. The B&W shows how well balanced the values are, even though it has so much intense colour. Wonderful work!!!!
I've just recently gotten into solids and this quilt is fabulous! I aspire to do something like it! thanks so much for sharing it!
It's a beauty!! I love all the colors and seeing how you are evolving and exploring with solids and bright colors (and now some prints) in the last few weeks-- your artistic process. It will be handy for me to look at my quilts in low light to better observe the contrasts.
Did you meet again with the mental health group of beginners? (is that a weekly thing?) Please update!
L.o.v.e this!! Adding the gray inner border was a great decision, serves to 'ground' the center as the eye moves outward. Nice job :-)
Fantabulous is a word right?
Karen, This quilt turned out gorgeous! Well, every quilt you make is beautiful.
great quilt! so vibrant and joyous looking!
Karen, You've outdone yourself with this quilt! I just love it!! The mix of prints and solids really works. And the colors take my breath away. Beautiful!
Very modern with lots of Kaffe. Great combination!
It's gorgeous! Interesting how it looks without the color.
Looks great Karen! You made good use of that fabric from Jackies! You are quick too! fabulous!
I keep coming back to this quilt I just love it! I could sit for hours and look at it just like a fish tank!! I guess it relaxes me! LOL
Love the cut off points- no obsessing about are all the points exact and in line- Colors are great. An inspiration.
sally in st. paul- where we are revelling in 35 degrees.
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