Here are two wedding quilts from the recent Red and White exhibit "Infinite Variety" in New York City. None of the quilts had descriptions attached, but these two quilts tell their own stories. I wonder if Lavinia Rose, the maker of the quilt in the top photo, is related to Joanna Rose, the owner of this huge collection. Also, I wonder if both these quilts were made by the same person. Similarities include the couple's names at the top, the focus on God, a key design, several "fonts," some horizontal floral applique, straight-line quilting, and of course they are red and white.
From the photo above, you might wonder if all the viewers were men. :)
More red and whites tomorrow.
There was an audio guide at the exhibit (you could call it on your cell phone!) and one of the curators explained how she tracked down the genealogy of the quilt makers based on the years and does indeed believe they were made by the same woman! It was fascinating!
... at that time almost everyone focused on God...such a shame that we now focus just on ourselves...
Such attention to detail...all those words...amazing how accurate the maker was.
Those quilts are as beautiful as the sentiment. I love the fact that the maker was really ahead of her time!
I can't even begin to imagine how long it took to make these.
I read somewhere that you were there on Wednesday!!!!
I missed you.. I wonder if we were there during the same hours!
These two quilts are amazing. I would have loved to have seen the exhibit.
Speaking of men at the red and white show.....My husband just loved the show. As an engineer he was mesmerized by the lighting, hanging and the effect the designer created with the quilts. He took over 200 pictures! You have to admit it was unlike any "quilt show" you have ever experienced!
Happy Sewing
Know what...I did not see one Selvage quilt there did you :0)??
Happy Sewing
These are beautiful. I'm glad you showed them. I hadn't seen them on the other show posts.
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