Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Welcome to My Quilt Studio

A few days ago I moved my wire basket fabric storage and yarn bins out of my closet and into my quilt studio. These Elfa drawers are great. Even when filled to capacity, you can still easily slide the drawers open and closed. There are knitting needles and crochet hooks displayed in vases too. I really like this arrangement.

The design wall area (white flannel, floor to cieling) is where the yellow/red quilt top is hanging. The zigzag quilt is hanging where I photograph quilts. The log cabin quilt on the right stays there. That's one of my favorites.

The sewing machine, cutting table and ironing board all take advantage of the light from the windows. Of course the overflowing box under the table is full of scraps.

And this is where I'm writing to you right now. This room has never been so clean and organized, so I'm enjoying the view for a little while before I make a nice big mess again! After years of operating out of boxes, I'm so happy to have such a nice big space.
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Pat from Florida said...

Oh my! What a dream studio!

Jocelyn said...

Wow! What an amazing studio!!So open and spacious. Pat is right, it is a dream studio.

Pinkadot Quilts said...

Gorgeous! I am much more creative when things are put away. I think you will come up with some amazing quilts in here!

alexa said...

Oh my!! what a great studio, it is really a dream studio.

Brenda said...

wow! lovely! wow!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Can I come live with you? I can sleep on that wonderful sofa right there and won't cause any trouble.

glen in Louisiana

Sujata Shah said...

Oh.. Such a beautiful space! I love it when there is "white space" in the studio to get creative.

Ans said...

WOW, I like it very much.

Annie said...

So jealous over here!!! It's a beautiful place for creating!

NeverBored said...

Wow! What terrific space. You're making it hard to obey, "thou shall not covet".

Cathy said...

Wow, I am envious of your big, clean space. I have a pokey little room (smallest bedroom, doubles as guest room) but that is better than the kitchen table!

Rosa said...

Awesome,a beautiful place to dream and create.

beth said...

A dream studio FOR SURE!!! happy sewing!

Tina Craig said...

Your studio is glorious! It's an inspiration to get my space cleaned out.

Nancy said...

I am moving into a new studio in less than three weeks. I have the same flooring and big window...and now I know exactly how to set up my tables! Thanks for the photos..I hop my studio can stay as clean..

Four dogs and one quilter said...

Beautiful! Am setting up a new studio too and would love to know how you made your design wall? Thanks for sharing all the wonderful pictures.

Mary said...

Just Beautiful!

Nifty Quilts said...

You DO have a beautiful studio! Thank you for inviting us in for a visit.

Donna~~ said...

Geeminie! Such a lovely quilting area! Do you need some company--I think there's room for at least another person or two! Lucky lucky you! :)

Patty said...

Thank you for sharing your amazing studio. Did you use any resource to help you design this? I am collecting information of "wants" or ideas, so I really appreciate your visual view. Love your blog too...

Pamela said...

What a lovely place to create in! So airy and bright, too!

Linda said...

"wipes Drool of Envy off keyboard". Fabulous, thanks for sharing!

jen duncan said...

WOW Karen. That is SO fabulous!! So happy for you to have such a special space.

stufenzumgericht said...

Dear Karen,
your studio has got the "wow effect"
So nice, to share it with us!!!
Hugs from Martina

PatSloan said...

lovely space Karen, the large design wall rocks!

Riel Nason said...

Drool. What an amazing space Karen!

patty a. said...

Your space is wonderful and so are the quilts that you make! Thanks so much for letting us see where you create. I need to work on my studio and make it pretty like yours! Thanks for the inspiration!

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my, oh my! You have such a lovely, large open space. It's well planned and well organized, I can see that. Goodness, aren't you fortunate!? I think you have enough room for me to come over with my sewing machine too. If I drive straight through, I might make it by tomorrow evening!

Carolyn S. said...

Pardon me for being just as jealous as I could be!!! What a beautiful space you have, to create your beautiful work.

Michelle in Saskatoon said...

I love your sewing room, especially the shell pink walls, and how it's so open and airy! thanks for the inspiration,m

Nancy said...

Oh, my goodness. Can I move in? I love the organization, light and space. You must be in heaven!

Quinta da Quilter said...

Looks great!!! And such a comfy sofa!! Tee hee hee!

OliveStreetStudio said...


Leeann said...

wow this is a bigggg room. Was it a lounge or a bedroom before being a studio?

Anne D said...

What an amazing studio. It is gorgeous. Have fun creating in it.

Jan said...

Your sewing space is just wonderful. Love the lighting for the design wall,and the additional light you get from the cans. I'm taking notes!

Dinah said...

What a lovely space! Just the place in which to create fabulous quilts!

Kim said...

Oh boy I don't know if I'd ever leave that space! Fantastic, all that natural light......I hope you have many happy hours of sewing, designing, and blogging in that dream studio.

Happy sewing

Unknown said...

That space is spectacular!! I know that there must have been a lot that went into the design of the studio and you really thought of everything!! Love it!

Helen said...

You have earned it and I know you will use it to make the world a more beautiful quilt at a time!

Sara said...

Wow - beautiful room to be creative! The natural light is wonderful.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Can I come over to sew with you? I met a friend of yours last week...Gwen Marston! the Beaver Island Quilt Retreat. She told us about the time you went to her retreat and were very productive! Why does this not surprise me? I would be productive in a studio like yours!

Amy said...

What a fabulous workspace and so bright! Glad you clarified "clean". Makes the rest of us feel better. Ha!

WoolenSails said...

I am jealous, so neat and so much room, lol.
I love how you have it set up, mine is not that big and things are too close to me, would love a sitting area too.


JoAnne in southern California said...

Karen, my husband says you don't have "nearly enough fabric"! I have fabric but not near the room that you have. Beautiful! I love the view from your windows, fantastic!

Unknown said...

awesome space, I could use that overflowing box of scraps for an upcoming sew in day i'm hosting to benefit my chapter of Project Linus......

Sarah said...

What an amazing space. I hope that you will enjoy many beautiful hours there.

Sue said...

This looks like a heavenly place. You are so blessed to have this wonderful area all to yourself.

antique quilter said...

I adore your new sewing room
so bright and airy. So where oh where do you store your quilts and fabrics?

monki said...

Your studio is absolutely beautiful! I wish you many enjoyable hours in there!

JULIA said...

Enjoy it!!!!!!
Impressive, very nice.
from Canary Island- Tenerife

~Kris~ said...

Wow! what a beautiful space. I love how you have decorated with your quilts. It all looks so light and airy.

Tatkis said...

Fantastic! So cosy, organized, beautiful space! And I love your sofa place :))


Charlene ♥ NC said...

Such a lovely, open space. Very nice!

Jill said...

OMG! I have no words. Well, maybe a few... amazing, inspirational, fantabulous, JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would never leave, nor get anything else done!

skye said...

Ohhhhh so light-filled & spacious! I love it, you lucky duck!!

Barb said...

What a fabulous space to be creative!
I love the quilts on your walls - looks like a gallery

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Love it, love it, love it!!!


Sally Langston Warren said...

I am insanely jealous of your wonderful studio! Oh, it's beautiful! What wonderful space! Please enjoy it!:) Congratulations! Sally

jenny said...

Love,love your space.

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Wow!! What a wonderful studio!! So big! So bright!! Love it! :)

moosecarol said...

Lovely studio. I'm jealous of the beautiful light you get to work in.