For extreme scrap quilters. See - Easy patterns for sensational quilts!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Sunshine and Shadow Quilt
This is one of my favorites, an Amish Sunshine and Shadow. I love to play with hand-dyed gradations to make the boldest arrangement possible. Haha. Wouldn't this look fantastic near a lamp? Etsy store coming soon. Stay tuned.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
My New African Quilt
There's a vendor from Ghana who sells African scrap bundles and yardage off the bolt. I bought some of his fabrics at the last Empire Quilters show in NYC and added it to my stash from previous shows. Then last week I turned it into this quilt. It all started with that skinny chicken in the center (see bottom photo). Then 7 borders later, it was finished. All the fabrics are from Africa except the dark solids in the outermost border. The sawtooth border really makes the quilt, I think. I'm setting up my Etsy store, and this quilt is in it. I'll invite you all there soon.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Virtual Selvage Blog Field Trip
Who wants to rest here today? Me too. Okay, let's go. I'll bring cookies and drinks.
I have a quilt that's ready for the binding. Bring your handwork.
This is the Rock Restaurant in Tanzania. Bliss.
Are you in?
Monday, September 26, 2011
Quilt by Hideaway Girl
What a beautiful quilt! The Amy Butler (and one Sis Boom) fabrics really sing on this white background. I love how Hideaway Girl used dark, medium and light prints; it keeps your eye moving.
This quilt says summer to me. We are now officially in autumn. Sigh. But this is good quilting weather. (Haha, all weather is good quilting weather!)
This quilt says summer to me. We are now officially in autumn. Sigh. But this is good quilting weather. (Haha, all weather is good quilting weather!)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Quilt by Judy Irish
This quilt is called "Hollow Cube" by Judy Irish (pattern by Sara Nephew). I found this on the Blue Nickel Studios blog. Isn't this quilt amazing? It was made from chicken fabrics! Nice job, Judy!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Silk Cigar Ribbon Quilt Inspiration
This is my version of a silk cigar ribbon sort of quilt. It's one of the quilts in my book "Quilts from the Selvage Edge." I'll be leading a workshop in CT showing how to make this quilt.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Do You Have an Etsy Store?
If you have an Etsy store please tell us your shop's name in the Comments so we can visit.
I'm getting my store geared up now. I'll show it to you soon. :)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
New Selvage Quilt by Linda Robertus
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Rail Fence Quilts Continue
This quilt started with the block in the top row, center. (See yesterday's post.) Here are the odd fabric combinations that I had in mind. Now, how to describe this quilt? Modern (yellow dots on gray, turquoise and lime green, b&w paint splatter)? Retro? Floral? I love that b&w fabric in the center block. Notice the two blocks going in the wrong (inconsistent) direction? Should I "fix" those, or leave it as is?
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Smaller Scale Rail Fence Block
The quilt top from yesterday's post is finished, and now I'm doing the same block with 2.5" strips, rather than 3" strips. Using two dark strips and two light strips, I have enough units to make 4 blocks (above). This one will have some oddball fabric combinations. No "spreading" of blocks in this top. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, September 19, 2011
My Design Wall Today
This "Staircase" quilt is made from the October "Block of the Month" for Empire Quilters. Coming up with block ideas is one of my little jobs. This is my third year doing that. It keeps me thinking and drawing little designs on napkins and envelopes. Haha.
The block can be seen in the upper left corner, black and light pink. But some of the blocks seems to spread into a non-square shape because I used leftover units in between the blocks. See the photo below. My 27 yo son asked me to make him one of these. No flowers, he wants 1960's style geometrics. I'll show you when I make it.
If you'd like to see how simple this block is to make, take a look at the Empire BOM blog.
The block can be seen in the upper left corner, black and light pink. But some of the blocks seems to spread into a non-square shape because I used leftover units in between the blocks. See the photo below. My 27 yo son asked me to make him one of these. No flowers, he wants 1960's style geometrics. I'll show you when I make it.
If you'd like to see how simple this block is to make, take a look at the Empire BOM blog.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
New African Batiks
These pretty indigo batiks are part of a collection imported from Mali, West Africa, and offered for sale by eQuilter. They were inspired by the traditional fabrics of the Tuareg people, also called the Blue People, because the pigments in their turbans and robes used to run and make their skin blue. Indigo blue turbans are still worn for celebrations. They would be pretty in quilts too.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Japanese Selvages
Japanese fabrics have the best selvages! The new Moda fabrics are outstanding too. These will really jazz up our selvage quilts.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sara's Quilt
This fantastic quilt was made by Sara in Connecticut. She's a friend of Jackie's (Canton Village Quilt Works). Sara wanted this quilt to look like a painting. Take a look at Jackie's blog to see more.
Great job, Sara!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Granny Square Pillows

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Quilt for Basics
This is my quilt for Victoria's Bumble Beans Inc. Basics Quilt Gather project. She's hoping to get 700 quilts for this transitional housing organization in New York City. That's thinking big! I hope this quilt warms someone's heart.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Question for Quilters
Does anyone know the name for this quilt block? I made the quilt below, but I don't know how to describe the block. Would you call it "Birds Almost in the Air?" Just kidding. This is a wall quilt, 26.5" wide x 31" long.
My Sister's Selvage Quilt from the 1960's
My sister Lynne Jakubauskas of Vermont made this quilt in the 1960's when she was a little kid in grammar school. I think she'd never heard of not using the selvages, and she just wanted to get a lot of squares out of her scraps. And these quilts are still in use at her house. That says something! So much for the idea that selvages would get all twisty and act different from the rest of the fabric.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Amazing Sept. 11 Memorial Quilt
Sherri Lynn Wood of the daintytime blog is making this Sept. 11 memorial quilt. She had help from her quilting buddies embroidering all the names. Sherri started this project in 2003. What a powerful, historic quilt this will be! I love to see somebody thinking BIG! Great job, Sherri Lynn!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sept. 11 Ten-Year Anniversary
The television coverage of that day has been heart-wrenching.
The waterfall at the new memorial is inspirational and beautiful (below). It's even prettier at night.
See the entire National Tribute Quilt.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
New Fabric by Dan Bennett in the UK
Remember the "Monkey Blues" painting that I showed you recently? Doesn't this new fabric look just like it? This is "Tribal Fantasy," part of the Premier Lord Collection by Dan Bennett for Free Spirit. Here is the ad for this fabric at eQuilter. Here are some related fabrics. And here is a link to Dan Bennett's website. And here are more of his designs (acrilyc, not fabric) shown below.
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