Alison in Victoria, Australia is making a selvage quilt to mark the new year. She's made 10 blocks so far, but now her supply of selvages is used up and she needs more to finish her quilt. You know how it is when you're going strong on a project and don't want to stop. Alison emailed me about this and I said
maybe we can help her out. If you want to send some selvages, email her at
alisonvonbibra@hotmail.com and she'll give you her mailing address. I sent some today. (A 6"x 9" envelope with a handful of selvages was only $2.95 in postage mailed from Connecticut.)
Alison will send photos of her finished quilt to the Selvage Blog. I can't wait to see it. (The photo above is one of my selvage quilts. Every post needs a picture, right?)
Already on it karen, Alison is local to me and a have a few to spare....
i have saved selvedges by ripping them from the fabric.
now i think i should have included some of the fabric!!
what to do now??
You can still use the skinny ones. Some quilters don't use the colored fabric; their selvage arrangements are mostly white, and it looks nice.
I've been able to get several good bags of selvage from Amazon... they have been a life saver for me in making a selvage spider web for my sister.
Ogg you guys. I am sitting here in my PJ's on a Sunday morning after doing all the usual breakfast and pet feeding routines. Thought I'd just check email before making the beds. I think there are 10 emails from people who have read this blog, and who want to send me selvedges. THANKYOU. You are all amazing and generous and this blog land is a delight.
I am so grateful and on a total high from people's generosity and kindness. (Thank you Karen and all!!)
With lots of crafty good wishes from Australia.
Alison...I will reply to everyone during the course of the morning.
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