Sunday, August 30, 2015

Gas Fueled Iron

Have you ever seen a gas-fueled iron? It's listed on Etsy for $90 from Wisdom Lane.
You can find the strangest things on Etsy! The iron was made by Coleman in the 1920's. 
Now we've seen everything!


Taos Sunflower said...

In the mid 90s, I lived for four years with only 12v power. This would have been a wonderful thing to have!

Calicojoan said...

As much as I slop things around when I fill the lawn mower... At least that's outside. Inside could see me burning my house down! LOL! I guess that technology isn't always a bad thing!

Michelle said...

Wow! I only paid two bucks for the one I found at an estate sale.

fiberchick said...

That looks amazing and slightly dangerous!

John Schindler II said...

I've even seen this with the tank missing (probably the previous owner thought that it would make the iron safer). Knowing my luck, I'd burn the house down trying to use this.

Anonymous said...

I think would be quite popular with Amish- but unlikely for an Amish quilter to be looking at ebay. sally