Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mayleen Vinson's Fabulous Selvage Star Quilt

This stunning selvage star quilt is the creation of Mayleen Vinson in Kansas. 
See her blog post here: Q is for Quilt
It was on exhibit in Houston at the recent Quilt Festival. 
I love how the red and green solid color fabrics lend some 1800's charm. 
A very wonderful quilt! Nice work, Mayleen!


dq said...

Yes it is indeed fabulous.

Mayleen said...

Thanks for showing my quilt! I try to make a selvage quilt every other year for our guild show. This one has one several ribbons and is featured in the AQS desk calendar.

linda said...

Mayleen - so glad you spoke up. I was curious who the maker was. You did a fabulous job.

linda said...

Any chance the blog post could be amended - the maker certainly needs a shout out!

Dinah said...

What a beautiful quilt! I particularly love the border! Congratulations to the maker of it!

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

I am lucky to know Mayleen and to have seen this quilt in person -it is a stunning selvedge quilt!