I mean selvages from fabrics that you designed yourself! How cool is that? Read what Karen Snyder of Long Beach, WA has to say:
"When my first fabric line came out about three years ago, my friend Monica made a sample for me for Quilt Market. She carefully cut off all the selvages and gave them to me. I've had eight more fabric lines, and I'm still saving selvages--but the cup is the only thing I've made so far. The Washtub prints I used in the cup were by Andover. I now design for Timeless Treasures. I have a new line coming out next week at Market called Sweet Pea. I've also written four quilting books, published by Krause. You can see the fabrics and books on my web site, www.annalena.com."
Take a look at that site; it's really nice. Bravo, Karen!
How incredibly cool for her!!
I just may have to make myself one of these (using selvages from my stash ...)
That would definitely be so cool.
Cool! OK I peeked at her site and saw the sweet pea fabric, whoa I will have to get some of those! Nice stuff.
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