"They are called Humbug Bags because they are shaped like the British treat, humbug. Or, humbug also means nonsense, and the tricky shape of the bag is nonsensical. Or the little things you store in it are nonsense. Or, or..."
Very clever, Pat! Nice handle too. Visit her blog at: http://patspattering.blogspot.com/ You can get info there about contributing blocks for quilts for families of the Ft. Hood victims too.
ok !!
beautiful! very clever!
Hmmmm....who would have thought that I would learn the meaning of Humbug (which will make my viewing of A Christmas Carol more understandable) on a quilt blog!! Love it!
I have that pattern, I might have to try this with selvages! Thanks!
This looks like a fantastic project to try my hand at selvage work. Thanks.
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